Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Long Pending Gift to Myself

I started my career in 2004. It's 2016 now. That's twelve years. Phew! But I still feel like a rookie. I can never behave all wise and expert-like. I love to live with the child like curiosity and innocence.

Anyway, that's not the talking point here. The point is the fact that I finally own a laptop after twelve looong years of service! Yes! You read it right. Most of the people who have worked for nine-odd years in a Multi National Company would have owned a laptop within two to three years of their service. I have my own reasons though, and I am not going to delve into them. I am just glad that I have it now. :)

Thanks Dear Bro for sending it despite the time crunch. :)

PS: iPhone is another stunning electronic device that I possess now. Thanks to my li'l sis. :)

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