Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Long Pending Gift to Myself

I started my career in 2004. It's 2016 now. That's twelve years. Phew! But I still feel like a rookie. I can never behave all wise and expert-like. I love to live with the child like curiosity and innocence.

Anyway, that's not the talking point here. The point is the fact that I finally own a laptop after twelve looong years of service! Yes! You read it right. Most of the people who have worked for nine-odd years in a Multi National Company would have owned a laptop within two to three years of their service. I have my own reasons though, and I am not going to delve into them. I am just glad that I have it now. :)

Thanks Dear Bro for sending it despite the time crunch. :)

PS: iPhone is another stunning electronic device that I possess now. Thanks to my li'l sis. :)

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Getting inked.

Finally! Yes, I got tattooed. It was long pending. I am glad I did it. :)

The first step was of course to finalize the design. So yes, a lot of research (browsing) went into it. I did not want to go by the "most popular" choices. I wanted something which is an expression of my personality and my beliefs. I went through a lot of hearts, butterflies, dragons, stars, birds, etc.

Then I came across this one and I got hooked onto it almost immediately!

Lemme take some time to explain what it means. The anchor symbolizes strength and the heart at the centre (bottom) is the source of strength. At the top is the symbol of infinity with the words "love life" because I believe that life is the most beautiful gift of God to mankind. So live life like there is no tomorrow. Enjoy every moment. I would like to quote a couple of dialogues from one of my favourite movies - Forest Gump.

"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get"

"You have to do the best with what God gave you."
