Monday, August 20, 2012

Heart Vs Mind

They say listen to your heart and you will never have any regrets in life. It is a fact that every individual is unique and has his/her own way of looking at things, we all have different priorities in life and both these factors decide the choices that we make in our lives. Some of us make choices by listening to our hearts, just the gut feeling, something that need not necessarily have a rationale. This bunch of people might come across as impulsive and unrealistic, but it is also true that most of the impossible feats are made possible by these very people. Sometimes their thinking defies logic, and when you ask them the reason for making a particular decision they end up saying “I believe this is the right thing to do. I feel I should go with what my heart says.” They rarely give you any logic. It is just a feeling. Their statements are marked by a constant usage of words like “believe’ and “feel” as opposed to the other bunch of people who tend to use “I think” to express their thoughts. These people rely heavily on their logical reasoning and critical thinking. They are the problem solvers and rescuers in the moment of crisis. They are pretty smart and skillful and can carry out most of the day to day tasks pretty effortlessly. By having such a person around one can rest assured that their day to day life is going to be smoother with fewer hassles.

But life isn't about just living a hassle free life. Life is also about feeling the unfelt, experiencing the inexplicable, doing the unthinkable, reaching the unreachable! I had read somewhere, whenever there is a conflict between heart and mind, listen to your heart always, for mind has boundaries and heart does not! A heart filled with love is the most powerful force in the universe! I am yet to experience this. I’ll leave it at that for now.