Thursday, June 7, 2012

Trip to Mysore

Mysore.....I only knew it as a city in Karnataka, known for a few tourist spots and of course the Infosys campus. I have recently been to the city and to the campus as well (My brother was there for his training in Infosys). Talking about the campus first, it is no less than world-class. The architecture of buildings, the recreational facilities, the maintenance, everything is top notch. The most pleasing and refreshing thing about the city in general and the campus in particular, was the greenery. It was so refreshing and soothing to the mind and body that I felt like I was very close to nature. Earlier I always used to wonder, why do you have to hire people from different parts of the country and then train them all only in Mysore? Why not do it in the respective cities and for a period of less than six months? because six months of training sounds unnecessary as every graduate (engineer) spends 4 years learning the subject as it is.

After being to the campus and after my brother shared his experience with me, my opinion changed. The method makes sure that there is uniformity in the standards of training, but most importantly this is a period to know oneself and do a little bit of soul-searching as well. Employees come from different backgrounds, families and cultures. Some of them might not have had any privacy in their lives so far, or some others might not have spent any time away form their families. So this period of six months gives a golden opportunity to not only know oneself but also to establish a strong individuality/identity of their own. It is an opportunity to not only grow professionally but also emotionally and intellectually. And I can see a few changes in my brother already. :-)

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