Monday, December 6, 2010

The Journey Begins...

Misty dreams waiting for Sunshine.

Mist which appears every morning and waits for sunshine to appear and clear the view of the horizon. I chose this name because I am a dreamy person. That is not to say that I am unaware of the realities around me and live in my dream world. I am a practical person. As a teenager even the prince charming of my dreams was imperfect. He had his grey shades.

Maybe I knew that we live in an imperfect world and we all as individuals are imperfect. Imperfect in different ways so that we can complete each other. 

And thats why the name, "Perfections of an imperfect world"


  1. I beat everyone to it!...I'm the first on ur blog!!...I've already become a stalker I mean a follower!...Can't wait to read more! :)

  2. Yes! You win hands down girl!! And trust me I'd luv you as a stalker as well.. ;-)

  3. Well Baatleewaala should mentor me!

    But about ur blog...It looks really promising and I love the background. Very cool and contemporary!

    Who wants a 1 D prince charmining anyway?? One with grey shades is so much more real and believable...I'm glad u felt that way too!! :)

    P.S. Welcome to the world of blogging o fellow blogger!

  4. Baatleewaala huh!...well no comments!!

    The background was a spontaneous choice. I liked it the moment I saw it.
